Sunday, March 25, 2012

Today you are 10 months old

Dear Hosanna,
I love you so much. I'm sorry I'm not much of a journaler, and I have a hard time remembering to write in this blog. But that doesn't mean I haven't been enjoying and loving every day with you since you were born May 25, 2011. Today, you are turning TEN months old! It is a Sunday, and Daddy, Caleb, you, and me have had a great time playing outside. I was gardening, and Daddy was building our water system out of plastic pipes. Almost 3yr-old Caleb was running around "helping". But you were enjoying yourself playing in the grass! You were eating grapes and little slices of "baby cutie" oranges. You held on to the stairs of our little slide, and you even CLIMBED UP the little slide until about halfway! Wow! You will be walking any day now! You stand up on your own for little moments at a time, and you walk around furniture like a pro! Caleb likes to feed you pieces of banana, and you still love nursing and getting your Mommy Milk. It's so good for you! I am so happy being your mom and holding you alot. You do like to be held ALOT, though! My back hurts from carrying you on one hip so much. I put you in the Ergo on my back alot of the time, and you are very happy there. You like me more than you like anyone else. If you see or hear me, you will cry and look so sad trying to climb out of Daddy's arms to me or crawling to me across the floor. And if I am holding you, you won't go to anyone else! And you don't like being put down unless I get a really exciting toy or a piece of food to entice you into letting me put you down.

You are so beautiful! You have pudgy cheeks, chubby arms, and chunky thighs with several fat rolls in them. :-) I love, love, love to "eat" your cheeks. You just smile and put up with me :-). You smile so big with your big 8 front teeth! You laugh and smile so big that your nose crinkles up and your eyes squint shut! And it sounds so cute to hear you! You played with a balloon this evening, and you had a great time trying to bite it, then pulling the tab with your teeth and letting it pop back. You laugh and giggle and wave your arms up and down with joy!!! And if you hear music, you will rock your hips and belly back and forth to make your whole upper half dance along! I love you so much, my little Hosie!

Love, love, love, and smooches!

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